2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

REVIEW for Likely Story - David Van Etten

TITLE: Likely Story Book 1
AUTHOR: David Van Etten
GENRE: Young Adult
RATING: 4 stars

I picked up this young adult book because the storyline sounded fun. The idea of a teenager, who grew up with a famous soap opera mother, decides to "pitch" her own "teen" soap opera to the newtwork brass. The only hick? her best friend needs to be the lead and oh yeah, she is falling for the lead actor - oopss! did I forget to mention the neat little plot twist (which I will not reveal) at the end of the book?

What I really enjoyed about this book is that the lead character Mallory could have been written as a vain, stuck up teenager - but rather the authors decided to make her the exact opposite of her shallow, rude tv-star mother. The interaction between mother and daughter is sometimes painful to read, but you get the distinct impression that both are putting up a front for the benefit of the other.

Mallory's dialogue with her boyfriend, best friend and even the producer of her newly developing soap opera is all believable and enjoyable. I like the idea that this teenager is brainy and can stand up for what she wants and believes in.

There is very little sexual content (and when there is, it is very mild), basically this book is about a young woman who has an idea and gets this idea off the ground.

It is obvious that this book will become a series - bring it on.

1 comment:

Lenore Appelhans said...

Sounds cool - this one is on my radar!

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