2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

REVIEW for Money Sucks by Miryam Gordon

I have reviewed this book for:


TITLE: Money Sucks, Strategies for Real Life
AUTHOR: Miryam Gordon
DATE: 2006
GENRE: Personal Finance
RATING: 4 Stars

I always enjoy reading personal finance books – I often wish I had started reading them at a much younger age. Yet, I also remember thinking how dry and boring most of these appeared to be.
However, Money Sucks, Money Strategies for Real Life (2nd Edition), written by Miryam Gordon is exactly the type of book I should have been reading. Although it is not a big book (only 74 pages) it does cover most of the important points that any young adult, just starting off in the financial world (and the real world, for that matter) must know.

This book is quite complete and explains crucial topics such as: budgets, paying taxes, how to fill out your first tax forms (this is a great addition), banking, credit cards and debt (this is such a scary, yet often underestimated topic, especially for the up-and-coming generations) as well as savings and even understanding your credit score.

Written in a clear, concise and impartial way, this book can be used as a referral manual for any issues that may come up with respect to your financial wellness. One of the most important topics covered (and in my opinion one of the hardest to understand) is the creating and following of the budget. The author gives us detailed and yet simple ways of drawing up and living within a budget and even manages to make it all sound achievable (okay I can’t say enjoyable – because, we are, after all talking about a budget here), but her advice will make it easier to live with.
Along with the valued financial information, there are also some interesting side bits. For example, Gordon details for us the history of paying taxes (The Boston Tea Party), the do’s and don’ts of bankruptcy and even how credit card companies make money. While I am reading all of this I am thinking, ‘it seems I should know all of this! Why don’t I?’ It is my belief that many adults may be in my situation – thinking I have the basics down, but in reality, I am in need of a serious refresher course. As with many things, I think I picked up my knowledge here and there and now need to figure out what is fact and what is fiction when it comes to my finances. This book has helped me do this – it has me questioning the habits that I have developed over the years and it has me looking at the validity of these habits.

The little cartoons at the beginning of each chapter are a nice touch and send the message that reading up on this topic does not have to be dry and serious all the time.

Although I probably would not recommend this book for people looking for high finance information (detailed investments or tax breaks), I would absolutely recommend this to any child who is old enough to start earning (and hopefully) saving money and to any adult who wants to go back to the beginning and put their financial building blocks securely (more securely?) in place.


Silverheron said...

Sounds like a great book. I was born in 1962 and as a young adult was exposed to the trickle down theory and many others that did not work out well economically. It seems like the art of handling money changed somehow. I will have to keep it in mind for the future.

Valerie M. Russo Evans said...

Hi, Tina:

Can you please contact me regarding book reviews and giveaways.


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