2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

WINNER of the LoveHampton Contest is....

The Winner of the LOVEHAMPTON book is:

Who tells us that if she was stranded on the beach (which she hates! (and I second that) she would definitely bring along some Jane Austen!!!!!!
Please let me know your snail mail address either through this blog (I won't publish the comment) or through Librarything (my name is Nitestar).

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! and I have another great contest coming up very shortly.


Anonymous said...

If TASSES is a huge Austen fan, she has probably already read this ... but I can't help but chime in with the title of a book I just finished, _Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict_ by Laurie Viera Rigler. Loved this book! You don't have to be an Austen fan (or in fact, know a lot about her books) to enjoy this.

The premise is that a modern-day woman wakes up one day to find herself in Regency-era England. Very easy to suspend your disbelief as you read her adventures.

I'll write and post my review in the next few days, but wanted to get the title out there!

Cheryl Vanatti said...

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

I am so excited to get the book. I sent you my address through the email you sent via my blog ;-)

And thanks to 'sheistoofondofbooks' for her recommendation :-) No, I haven't read that title.

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