2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, October 24, 2008

REVIEW for Bones

Thank you to Jessica who sent me this book for review!!!

AUTHOR: Jonathan Kellerman
GENRE: Thriller
DATE: October 2008
RATING: 4 Stars

Jonathan Kellerman's books have been up and down for me in the last few years. It seems that once Robin left, the storylines left with her. However, in Bones, Kellerman's newest book, I finally found the "old" Alex. Witty, genuine, interesting.

The story of murder of prostitutes and of a music prodigy is the center plot, but for me, what worked best in this novel was the strength of the Alex character (something that had been missing in the last few books) he felt present in this storyline.

Of course, Milo is back and the banter and relationship between these two is always priceless. The story moves at a rapid pace and was intriguing enough to keep me reading throughout with an ending that was a tad predictable, but nonetheless satisfying.

Finally, Alex is back.

1 comment:

Darlene said...

I've got this one to read too. Glad you liked it.

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