2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

REVIEW for Cycler

A HUGE thank you to Jenny from Random House who sent this book along to me!!! Jenny, you are the best.

TITLE: Cycler

AUTHOR: Lauren McLaughlin

DATE: 2008


RATING: 4 stars

I am an adult who loves to read a great YA novel. When I first read the back of this book, I was a little weary - this kind of sounded a little off to me - reminded me a bit of the whole "I was a teenager werewolf".

As I got introduced to Jill AND Jack (clever little twist there) - I really started getting into this storyline. While on the surface, this book takes us through very funny situations as well as the all encompassing "will I go to the prom? and with whom?" - I realized that behind the words on the page is a message to all young adults out there today. So many are confused about their sexuality - am I? should I? I don't understand my own body? - how I remember those days well!!!! but the beauty of this book is that it sends the message that its OKAY to wonder about your body and about who you are - that things are not always what they seem and questions are encouraged!

So beyond the great storyline is also one of depth, compassion and acceptance. As for the prom! trust me! you will wonder what the big deal was - when you look back on it 20 years later!A great read for all ages.


Alea said...

I recently snapped this up on bookmooch. It sounds like an interesting idea for a book!

Marie Cloutier said...

this one looks like a lot of fun. you always read these really fun-sounding books. i love your blog because you're always so enthusiastic. :-)

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