2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

REVIEW for Tsunami

A big thank you to Paula at Author Marketing Exports for sending me this book!
TITLE: Tsunami
AUTHOR: Gordon Gumpertz
GENRE: Adventure
RATING: 3.5 stars
Tsunami, written by Gordon Gumpertz is one of my favorite genres and one that, unfortunately, seems to be on the decline – catastrophic novels!

I can well imagine how much of a challenge it must be for an author to write a book about these type of events – somehow, these things seem to translate better on film than on the written page.No matter, Gumpertz does a fantastic job and made me feel as though I was right in the thick of things – right from the beginning where most of the scientific community is convinced that a Tsunami could not possibly result from that dormant volcano up until the actual event in inevitable (you know it HAD to happen).

Dr. Sanches, who has been predicting this event works feverishly to get her colleagues on board and then to try to figure out a why to prevent it from happening.

The writing is top notch – as I mentioned, it takes a special writing skill to be able to bring these types of events to live from a written page and author Gumpertz does an excellent job of making me feel as though I am RIGHT there!I also enjoy the feeling of dread that I had from the beginning of this book – you just know there is a veryyyyy bad thing about to happen and you find yourself cheering those who are trying to find a way to fight it – yet, at the same time, you want it to happen so you can read it through and experience it!

I really enjoyed this book – it was a tad technical in some areas and a tad long, but it was worth it – this book is fantastic.

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