2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

REVIEW for The Financial Wisdom of Ebenezer Scrooge

A big thank you goes out to the authors Ted Klontz, Rick Kahler and Brad Klontz for sending me this great book!

TITLE: The Financial Wisdom of Ebenezer Scrooge

AUTHORS: Ted Klontz, Rick Kahler and Brad Klontz

GENRE: Personal Finance

RATING: 4 Stars

The Financial Widsom of Ebenezer Scrooge merges two of my favorite topics - Charles Dickens (sort of) and personal finance. While I have mastered the Dickens part quite well, I am still in the "learning" process when it comes to money.

In this nifty little book (150 pages) the authors basically dissect the human relationship and money. That's right! this book is about figuring out and understanding that most of our issues with money is actually emotional - a pre-set condition that we experienced as young children. The key is to "reprogram" these conditions and to look at money in exactly the way we should be looking at it.

This book will teach you how to recognize the patterns or the money scripts that you have been living with and using for most of your life and will help you permanently change this and, in the process, give you a much healthier relationship towards money.

I liked this book for many reasons, one being that it uses alot of the Christmas Carol references as examples, so if you are a fan of Dickens, this is a big plus! Also, this book is not too technical - I hate reading a personal finance books that reads like a company prospectus! I also like that its short and to the point.

This is a great buy.

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