2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, January 26, 2009

REVIEW for The Virgin's Tale

A big thank you goes out to Michelle at Simon & Schuster for sending me this book!!!!

TITLE: The Virgin's Tale
AUTHOR: Sherri Smith
GENRE: Fiction
DATE: January 27, 2009
RATING: 4 Stars

I don't normally read this type of book, but I read the first chapter and instantly found myself engrossed in the storyline - much to my delight!

The Virgin's Tale is set in Rome, 63BC and introduces us to Aemilia who is destined to be one of the Vestal Virgins. This means that she will be used as a symbol to the world. For those of you who know me, you know that this Vestal Virgin thing instantly had my back up!!! However, let me tell you that this whole "Virgin/symbol" thing did not sit well with our main character either! Aemilia was not happy with the fate bestowed to her and decides that she is going to create her own fate - which unfortunately will eventually lead her to be sentenced to death - buried alive.

As a woman, quite a few emotions came to the surface as I read this book, which I suspect the author was betting on. This novel is so well written and the main character so wonderful that I found myself reading compulsively to see what Aemilia would do next. However, as Aemilia explores her boundaries and tries to live her own life, on her own terms, her desolation, fear and frustration comes through the page. How horrific to live in a time where her only life would be that of segregation and isolation - all because she was born a female. It seems that every male around her was allowed to control her destiny.

The storytelling is beautiful and the prose is sharp and touching. I felt myself rooting to this strong character and I was impressed with her strength of character and fortitude.

I suggest this book highly - if you want to read about a woman who was not afraid to challenge her destiny.

One of the other interesting things for me, as I read this book, was the information that I learned about this time period. Honestly, I knew next to nothing about Rome within this period and although I hated the overall male dominated era, it was a fascinating read.


Wall-to-wall books said...

I don't think this is my kind of book. First of all I don't really care for books set in Rome (Roman Empire etc.)
But you have a way of making books sound good with your reviews!

Meljprincess said...

I would love to read this book. Love the cover. Thanks for sharing.
I've seen the Temple of the Vestal Virgin's in Rome.

Mel K.

Kristie said...

Congrats on sticking with something you normally don't read. I give you a lot of credit... I normally can't do that!

Teddy Rose said...

Wonderful review! This sounds like a great read. I just added it to my TBR.

Sue A. said...

I think I would have a hard time reading this one. Sometimes I feel that the women’s movement stalled a couple of decades ago. It’s still a man’s world.

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