2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

REVIEW for Tales of a Wedding Day

A huge thank you goes out to author Olivia Ryan for so kindly sending me a copy of her great book!

TITLE: Tales from a Wedding Day

AUTHOR: Olivia Ryan

GENRE: Chick Lit

RATING: 4 Stars

I love chick lit and I especialy love 'wedding' chick lit. Reading about the absolute crazyness that goes into the preparation of what is supposed to be a girl's most memorable day is such fun and I have to say that author Olivia Ryan has nailed it right on!

We find our main character Abbie. She is the bridesmaid and takes her responsiblity very seriously - except that between trying to comfort the gone-shy, petrified to be left at the altar bride, playing babysitter and generally trying to make the day memorable for all, Abbie finds herself in an almost impossible situation. I laughed out loud at many of the events described in this book. The old 'if it can go wrong - it will' saying was never truer than in this storyline.

But what I also loved about this book was that despite the hilarious parts and the absolutely well described crazed moments, there were some seriously touching scenes. I loved the Abbie character who has her own 'marriage/relationship' issues and I thought that the author managed to merge the storylines smoothly and wonderfully.

This read was such fun and I came away from the book happy and with a fond memory for the storylines and for Abbie.

This is a definite yes in my book - thank god I am not going to be anybody's bridesmaid in the near future.


Anonymous said...

I'm way past the age of anyone asking me to be a bridesmaid. Sounds like a fun book.

Unknown said...

This sounds like fun! I loved 27 Dresses, and the bridesmaids always have interesting perspectives :D


Wall-to-wall books said...

Ya know - I have not yet read any "wedding Chick-Lit". My daughter, who is 20 knows so many people who are getting married this year or in the next few years, I will tell her about this book! It would be funny for her.

Kristie said...

I am so happy that most of my friends are now married, so the chances of me being a bridesmaid are decreasing. I have stood up in so many weddings in the past 5 years or so and it isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Nutz4reading said...

I was a bride before I was a bridesmaid. Sounds like a very fun book.

Wrighty said...

Yep, I did my time on the wedding circuit too. Now my friends and I have kids that are starting to graduate from high school and a few from college. Soon we'll be starting the circuit for our kids' weddings! I can't even believe it. This book sounds really good and I look forward to reading it.

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