2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

REVIEW for To Be Mona

Thank you goes out to author Kelly Easton for sending me a copy of her book.

TITLE: To Be Mona

AUTHOR: Kelly Easton

RATING: 4 Stars

I loved the book To be Mona. Author Kelly Easton takes a young girl who lives in a difficult, dysfunctional family who wishes she was someone else - actually she wishes she was Mona. Mona is the popular girl - and Sage would give anything to be her.

To be Mona is an honest and sometimes painful book to read. Sage, who has not had a luck of happiness and joy in her life is overlooked by almost everyone around her - she feels invisible and as she focuses more and more on her insecurities, she focuses more and more on the "wonderfulness that is Mona". It seems to Sage that Mona's life is so wonderful and easy. Easton does a great job of contrasting the reality of Sage's life with the imagined wonderfulness of Mona - someone once told me "not to compare my insides with someone's outside" and I kept thinking about this as I read this book.

I also enjoyed the fact that Sage does have some friends in her life and they seem quite dedicated to her - and that ultimately, Sage will come to discover that maybe, after all, she is not the "LOSER" that she thinks she it.

This book is a must read for all teenagers who are comparing themselves to the "popular girls" (I think that covers about 90% of the girls in high school).


Wall-to-wall books said...

Sounds like a real good book. Another good one for our teen section at the library.
Thanks for the great review.

bermudaonion said...

I think you're so right - there are lots of girls like Sage out there. Great review.

Reyna Meinhardt said...

That looks like a good one. Thanks for the review! I love it when you post YA book reviews!

Unknown said...

Oh, I like that "do not compare your insides with someone's outsides" - that's a pretty neat way of putting it!

Sounds like a great book with a great message!

Diana Dang said...

Sounds good but at the same time something I won't really like.

cindysloveofbooks said...

Sounds like a really good book Tina. Good Review. Will have to check it out.

Amy said...

oooh, i'll have to read this one now!

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