2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

REVIEW for Will Marry For Food, Sex and Laundry

TITLE: Will Marry For Food, Sex and Laundry
AUTHOR: Simon Oaks
GENRE: Humour
RATING: 3 Stars


I just finished reading Will Marry for Food, Sex and Laundry. I have to say that I have two completely different mindsets on this book.

First off, I have to say that I like the title of this book and one of the reasons I did, indeed, read it was because I thought that this book would be a funny and silly look at a man's point of view of singlehood and marriage. IF this is the angle the author was going for, then I would have to say that this book is a success. It was silly, silly in some parts - I especially like the comparisons the author keeps making between the importance of the woman they select as their wife should able to do the same things as the mothers.

On the other hand, if this book is actually a serious look at singlehood and marriage then I have to say that this book seriously misses the mark. For one thing, it is highly sexist and extremely stereotypical. Men are cast the "the guys" and the woman are cast "as the little women".

Basically, neither sexes fares well in this book and the author manages to make everyone somehow miss the point of marriage. Which is why I believe that the author was taking a ironic look at the state of marriage.

That's my story and I am sticking with it.


Diana Dang said...

That's a disappointment to hear. Looked interesting.

I have received the Agency today. Thank you!

m@t said...

Wife came in as I was finishing this review. She read the book title and laughed. Said she already knew the basics of "How to get" and "keep" a man... without reading the book. =)

Donna said...

I would've thought from the cover of the book that the author was being funny rather than serious...good review Tina!

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