2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

REVIEW for Busy Woman Seeks Wife

A big thank you goes out to Miriam for sending me this great chick lit!

TITLE: Busy Woman Seeks Wife

AUTHOR: Annie Saunders

GENRE: Chick Lit

RATING; 4 Stars

I am a huge fan of chick lit and I was thrilled to find out that one of my favorite authors was releasing another book. Busy Woman Seeks Wife is "the" perfect chick lit fare. I have to say that I thought that the title was clever, very clever and I thought that was a great beginning!!! Now, here is hoping the rest of the book is as good.

I had nothing to worry about, from the opening lines where our main character Alex finds her "so-called" maid having sex in her bed (making extra $$$$ perhaps???), this book just got better and better.The central idea in this book is quite interesting. It looks at the extremely busy life of women who have too much to do, or who feel compelled, each in their own way, to doing too much - just to make sure that "they are all that they can be". As their search goes on for the "perfect" person to assist them, Saunders actually manages to make you think beyond the amusing chick lit hijinks that are found in the storyline.

I thought it was extremely interesting to compare the storyline of overachieving woman with the title....i.e. generally, men are the ones searching for "that perfect little woman". Are these woman doing too much? just to prove that they are worthy??? This, to me, was a very important component of this book.

The writing is witty and clever and although the situations, at times, are quite funny, the authors do not go into the "suspend your disbelief" land that some chick lit authors ask us to enter.I really loved this book and recommend it highly.


Yvette Kelly said...

You can confirm with any of my friends how many times (when I worked full time)I used to say "I need a wife".I used to spend these long hours at work and the perfect solution would have been a wife to do all the things I could not do for the family.I am going to try and get this book on Kindle.I can't wait.

bermudaonion said...

I was actually in the Twitter Moms chat room when the authors of this book were in there. Between that and your review, I'd like to read this one now.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Another Author I have never read!!!!
This one is going on my TBR list. Thanks!

Angela said...

That looks like an interesting book. Thanks for the review.

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