2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, April 3, 2009

REVIEW for I'll Have Who She is Having

A great big thank you goes out to Liz and Lisa for sending me a copy of their great book!
TITLE: I'll Have Who She is Having
AUTHORS: Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke
GENRE: Chick Lit
RATING: 4 Stars
I am a chick lit maniac and have been deploring the sorry state of chick lit for a while now - until I bumpbed into the website: Chicklitisnotdead.com. I was thrilled to discover that not only was there a website, but the authors of this site had actually written a chick lit book - which I immediately got my hot little hands on. I am thrilled to have discovered such a hidden treasure.
I'll Have Who She's Having is written by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke and details the life of two sisters who love each other, but are worlds apart (or so it seems at the beginning of the book) from each other. I don't normally like my books to be told from different point of views, but in this case, I was glad to make an exception as it was extremely interesting and fun to read the sisters different view point.
One sister is happily (?) married while the other one is struggling to find a good relationship. Both characters are written smartly and in an interesting way. I liked that the authors did not make the single one "desperate" and the married one "smug and boring".
There are some interesting twists in this book and the clear message is that you should not judge what you see as being the entire truth in life. The grass may NOT always be greener on the other side.
I liked the open, honest and funny writing style the authors have and I found this book completely engaging.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Thanks for the review - I thought the title was so funny! I read it wrong the first time, then realized "oh, ha ha that's not what it says."

And thank for the website, I have not heard of that one.
You have prob already heard of -

bermudaonion said...

I will be checking out that web site! Thanks for the link.

MonieG said...

Thanks for the review and website. I've been off the chick lit recently but this one looks like a good place to re-start.

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