2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

REVIEW for Breathless

A big thank you goes out to Kathy at Random House for sending me this book!

TITLE: Breathless

AUTHOR: Lurlene Daniel


RATING: 3 Stars

I have read a few books written by author Lurlene Daniel and was actually intrigued by Breathless. The cover alone was something that attracted me so I was more than happy to read and review this book.

Most of Daniel's books are quite short and this one is no exception (it has a total of 165 pages) and I love the format. The shape of a paperback but it has a hardcover - its very easy to tote around.

The story in Breathless is told for the point of view of 4 different people - Emily, the kid sister, Travis who is the center of the novel, Darla his girlfriend and Cooper who is Travis' best friend but also has a relationship with Emily (somewhat). The story opens with Emily (I believe it is her although its not clear throughout the novel and with the surprise ending - I understand why), asking us NOT to judge but to read the story with an open mind.

Travis loves water, but he loves diving most. His life is looking up - he has a girlfriend, a best friend and even a sister he can stand. He is also a school champion diver and the summer is coming upon them. Travis feels he has the world at his feet - until he discovers that there is something seriously wrong - and this will shatter his life and the life of those around him - nobody will ever be the same again.

I don't want to give away too much of this story so suffice it to say that there is a tragedy and that the storyline pretty centers around how all the characters deal with it.

Daniel writes beautifully. She always remembers that her audience is mainly YA, although this book can easily be read by an adult. She tells the story in a direct manner and makes sure that the pacing is quick. She also manages throughout all of it to make us care about the characters - to make us really understand their points of view and thoughts. I always enjoy that when reading Daniel. She is also good at not forcing her own points of view on the storyline - you get out of it what you need to.

However, in Breathless and in many of her novels - the storyline is always soooooo dark. Breathless for all its great writing was so dark and depressing, that I felt like giving up reading it about halfway through because I was getting such a feeling of foreboding. Unfortunately, for me, this does not usually work. When I read a story, I don't mind if it mirrors real life - but there has to be some grain of hope or humour or joy in amongs the tragedies, and there is none in this book.

This story is well told - but reader beware, you will not feel good after reading this one.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I have to be in the right mood to read a book like that.

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