2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Today was our blogger meet up at my favorite tea room "le cha noir".

The usual suspects were there - including:

Cindy at http://cindysloveofbooks.blogspot.com/

Donna at http://booksbound.blogspot.com/ and

Avis at http://shereadsandreads.blogspot.com/

We were all dying to get together to hear all about Donna's experiences at BEA - she was the lucky one who got to vist BEA this year (I have to admit, I was also extremely anxious to hear about her experience at my favorite New York bookstore "The Strand".

Well, Donna gave us the scoop, as we sat there sipping on alternatively cold drinks and hot tea!! It was great and it was so much fun to hear all about Donna's experiences. We have all decided that we MUST attend next year. Hopefully, we will be able to make this happen!!!!

Of course, we also exchanged books - and I have to say that Donna was so kind - she picked up books for all of us that she thought matched our tastes! She also bought us each Strand tote bags (I am sooooooo thrilled about this), not to mention a cute Strand pen as well as Strand yellow sticky paper and bookmark. Here is the loot:

The books are:

Biting Anorexia by Lucy Howard-Taylor

Who Took My Money by Monique Amyot and

The Religion of Thinnss by Michelle Lelwica

as well as a great Meditation CD
Here is "The Strand" stash:

I also got via Cindy/Avis this book (which I had wanted to read for a while now):
I am always amazed at how fast the time goes by when we get together. We spent over 3 hours together today and it felt as though we were there for 10 minutes!

We will be seeing each other again in July.

It was great seeing everybody.


KR said...

That sounds like so much fun! I'm glad y'all had a great time>

bermudaonion said...

Y'all are so fortunate to live close to each other. I got to meet Donna for a few minutes at BEA, but I didn't make it to The Strand. I plan to go back next year and hope you get to go too!

Donna said...

Thanks for the kind words, Tina! I had great fun as usual and you're absolutely right, the time flew by.

Kaye said...

You are so fortunate to live near such fantastic bloggers. It's nice to visit with people who share your passion for reading. Glad you had such a good time.

cindysloveofbooks said...

The time did fly by too fast Tina and I am happy that my book is slowly making the rounds. Enhoy it.

Usual suspects eh? HAHA

avisannschild said...

I'll be curious to see what you think of Sister Wife, especially the end!

I'm sorry that I missed the beginning of the discussion about BEA, etc.!

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