2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

REVIEW for Whiskey Gulf

A big, big thank you goes out to Vanguard Press for sending me this great book to read and review!

TITLE: Whiskey Gulf

AUTHOR: Clyde Ford

GENRE: Thriller

RATING; 4 Stars

People often ask me why I bother reviewing books in the first place and one of the reasons is "because I get to discover great books that I would, perhaps, never would have read had I not been a book reader and reviewer".

Whiskey Gulf is the perfect example of this! I am not a big fan of sailboats or anything that basically happens on the water, however, I received Whiskey Gulf for review and immediately (as I always do) read the inside covers. Then I thumbed through the opening sentences and was immediately hooked. I have to be honest, had I seen this book on the shelf of a bookstore, I probably would not have bothered to read the first few sentences. I am so glad that I did.

First of all, I love the main character Charlie Noble! I have found that through my years of reading, I have to somehow connect to the main character for the story to be entertaining and interesting to me and I connected with Charlie who was a former Coast Guard Officer who never seemed to be able to completely get away from his love of the water - hence becoming a private investigator who is asked by the local yacht club to investigate an incident that is highly disturbing and will, in the end, put Charlie face to face with a mortal enemy - one that use to be a friend.

I also loved the fact that the author chose to meld the US AND the Canadian governments in this thriller. As a Canadian, I love it when our government gets embroiled with the US and the author uses this quite convincingly in his storyline.

Although this book is obviously aimed at a more male audience, the author never forgets that he is writing a story that is aimed, mainly, at the layperson and therefore, keeps the maritime jargon (as well as the military one) to a minimum (thank goodness!).

But what I loved most about this book (other than the non-stop suspense - which there is a abundance of) is the dialogue. Everyone in this storyline has witty and fun dialogue - and I would even venture to use the word "sarcasm" in some places - which I LOVE in any storyline.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat. I read it in 2 days and I loved, loved it.

The other great thing about being a blogger is that I now get to review this great book and hopefully, will be able to help someone else discover this author!!!


bermudaonion said...

Sounds like one I'd like. I've been told I like male books!

Cheryl said...

This sounds like my type of book

Wall-to-wall books said...

"Why you bother reviewing books?" What a silly question! I love and live by your reviews! Please don't stop, we so appreciate you.

Tina said...

Thank you for the great compliment Wendy!! I love reviewing books.

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