(AND the end of my severance package).
As some of you may know, I lost my job at the end of April 2009, but I was lucky enough to have gotten a great severance package - covering 4 months (basically, the summer months!). My severance ends at the end of next week, but the good news is that I FOUND A NEW JOB!!! and will be starting at the exact same time as my severance ends.
At my previous job, I worked in the career transition services - which means, we were career coaches for people who had lost their jobs - and, of course, when I lost my job, I was lucky enough to get my very own career coaches, who happen to be two of my friends and I LOVE both of them!!!!! They are my favorite coaches :) Thank you Daniel and Henry!!!!
It has been a weird summer. Some really good things have happened and some pretty crappy things have also happened. I discovered (or re-discovered) my love of riding a bike and I love my little blue bike. I also had the chance to do lots and lots of Pilates with Heidi - a great teacher and friend. I managed to do "tea" and "coffee" with lots of my friends and I learned to slow down and not run around quite as much as I usually do. I also managed to get quite a few books read and reviewed.
Along the way though, I also discovered that someone who was important to me had been lying to me and basically disrespecting me, I struggled more with my food this summer than at any other time in the last 7 years of my recovery and of course, the fact that I had lost my job for the very first time in my working life took a toll on me and my ego!
Still, this has been a learning and growing experience and I am soooo grateful for the experience.
Having said all of this, I am giving away the book Blindman's Bluff my Faye Kellerman. This contest will end on September 17th at 6:00 p.m. EST (my birthday actually!!! Yikes!).
Along the way though, I also discovered that someone who was important to me had been lying to me and basically disrespecting me, I struggled more with my food this summer than at any other time in the last 7 years of my recovery and of course, the fact that I had lost my job for the very first time in my working life took a toll on me and my ego!
Still, this has been a learning and growing experience and I am soooo grateful for the experience.
Having said all of this, I am giving away the book Blindman's Bluff my Faye Kellerman. This contest will end on September 17th at 6:00 p.m. EST (my birthday actually!!! Yikes!).
How to enter is very simple:
- Leave a comment on this post telling me the good/bad of your summer and you will get 1 entry.
- If someone you recommend becomes a follower, I will give you 5 entries and the new follower 1 entry (they have to tell me who referred them though or else I will have no way of knowing).
- If you post about my contest, I will give you another 5 entries.
if you do all of the above you get 15 entries.
if you do all of the above you get 15 entries.
Thanks for entering my contest and let's celebrate the last few days of summer!!!
It does sound like it's been a tough summer for you, but your great attitude is sure to help you out! I had a great summer because my son was home from school and I got to take a couple trips. milou2ster(at)gmail.com
Wow, what an experience this summer has been for you! I got laid off once, and can really relate to your comments about ego and self-confidence. I also took a couple of months off, but my lay-off happened in February, so I didn't have a great summer vacation. Oh, well. I'm happy for you that you got a new job.
Okay, my summer has been pretty much nonexistent. Oh, I've been living, but most of my life is taken up with work and chores these days. One fun thing I did, though, was innertube down the Salt River in Arizona near Phoenix with my daughter and a whole raftload of her friends.
And yes, I'd like you to enter my name in the drawing. Thanks!
Oh, and I'm going to post a link to your contest on my blog at http://justonemorepageblog.blogspot.com.
Enjoy the last few days of summer!
Sounds like things are looking up for you. That's great! I'm so glad you got another job.
Summer here is pretty much the same - Hot and Humid. Good thing in FL -no hurricanes so far. Bad thing - my heart is still beaking over the news my daughter and her hubby are divorcing after 21 years of marriage.
Please enter me in the drawing. Hubby and I both read Kellerman.
I don't think anything I could come up with could compete with your good/bad summer tale! Congrats on finding a job!
My garden is finally producing some great tomatoes. We had a very cool and dry year, I was beginning to think it was all for naught.
JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm sorry you've had such a rough summer, but it sounds like you've taken some great lessons from it. And a new job! How wonderful!!
My summer has been so-so. Hubby's health has been up and down, so no summer trip - but I did go to my national convention and learned good stuff for my job.
Please enter me for the drawing. Faye Kellerman is one of my absolute favorites!
dulcibelle [at] earthlink[dot]net
Why I think you handled things very well! Many people would not have been as positive as you are and I believe it helped with your getting the new job. As for the friend..hmm, sad but I can relate. Glad to hear you are back working but try and still find some time to slow down like you did..that's important.
I have good in that I retired after 37 years of teaching but the day I did, the bad part started. I went to be with my dearest cousin who had gotten worse from a mysterious illness for about a month,and he was in ER and next morning he had surgery for a malignant, stage 4, brain tumor. I spent the rest of my summer with him and doctors until we lost him 6 weeks after surgery at the end of July, only 59 years old. So family in and out, funeral in August. School starts tomorrow and hope to create a normal(?)routine and just am blessed to be here, I guess...so I can enter for your giveaway...thank you!
Wow, so many obstacles, but look at you now! You've overcome them and you've grown as a result of it. We all grow as individuals, and that's the beauty of it. =)
As for my summer, I thought I would finally get my driver's permit, but that didn't happen. On the good side, I've learned about this great book blogging community and I'm grateful to have found it and to be a part of it. I've also met you and the other girls of BBAM. =)
I still have a lot to learn, but it's great fun. I've also had guests from the states over and that was a lot of fun. I got to see the first fireworks for the summer at La Ronde, and it's absolutely stunning! That's likely a highlight of my summer.
I'm happy for you. I'll see you in a few weeks. =)
I won't enter the giveaway. I'll let another reader have that chance. =)
The good is that I go to the beach a lot. Very relaxing. The bad? All of the health problems I have been having lately. Definitely not fun.
Blogged: http://www.morbid-romantic.net/2009/08/24/book-giveaways-08-24-08-30/.
How to enter is very simple:- Leave a comment on this post telling me the good/bad of your summer and you will get 1 entry..ok well my job is busy in the summer if its a decent summer (weather wise) and its been rainy and slow and at the end of july we were already down to only 3 days of work (less then 20 hrs) and all of aug has been just as bad, 20 hr work weeks ...hard to think of how bad its gonna get...self pity party over now...great news about you getting a job :)
Congrats on the new job!
The good of my summer has been that my husband and I purchased a new house and have been working on it (currently building a fabulous new deck). The bad of the summer has been that the weather has been cold and rainy and genuinely horrid - great for working in though, I suppose!
melacan at hotmail dot com
The bad: We've had way too much rain!
The good: The rain has kept me indoors but given me lots of reading time!
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
I had a fabulous summer with my boys. We traveled to three different states vacationing and visiting family. We rode our bikes, went rafting, rode the alpine slide at our local ski resort. My boys learned to wakeboard. And they went back to school yesterday, so it's over.
Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
It's been a good summer-quite and not too hot. Everything here has been stable and in our lives that a huge plus as sometimes things can get pretty crazy. The garden has been spectacular and the tomatoes plentiful! -yup I've got to say we have been blessed this summer : D
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Congratulations on landing your new job - I truly admire your wonderful attitude and courage! You are right, life is always a course in learning and we're served our share of the bad along with the good.
My Bad this summer was having an absolutely hideous case of poison ivy, so much so that for three weeks I had to avoid the sun, heat, etc etc and was miserable the whole time - yuk - I also looked like an 'extra' from Night of The Living Dead movie lol
The GOOD was that my bf has been continuing to recover since his near fatal accident of almost 2 years ago, and he continues to regain his leg strength, coordination and can now walk with a cane - so, unlike last summer, we are able to go to rummage sales, take small jaunts and basically get out and enjoy the beautiful weather together! Oh, and we also rescued a beautiful mother cat who produced the sweetest kittens in the world, so much so that I wish I could keep them lol - but they will be going to a super home out in the country before too long.
Anyway - sorry to ramble forever - I wish you the absolute BEST and good luck in your future endeavors :)
The good: read lots of books on my TBR pile!!!
The bad: lost a tooth, underwent implant procedure, and no weight loss!
No need to enter me, obviously; I just wanted to say congrats again on your new job. I'm looking forward to hearing more about it!
The good of my summer- I separated from my husband and moved out.
The bad of my summer- the lack of $$$ now that I am on my own.
The bad part of my summer was that I was sick for three weeks. So here is to hoping that fall is a better time. I would love to read this book. Please enter me. Thanks!
Wow! What a summer you've had! Mine hasn't been as eventful - the good is that my husband finally got called back to work after being laid off since March/the bad is my father's continuing failing health.
Thanks for the great giveaway. I love to read Faye Kellerman novels & include this one in my TBR list.
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