2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, September 7, 2009

REVIEW for Recipe for Disaster

A big thank you goes out to author Maureen Fergus for being to nice and sending me a copy of her great book!

TITLE: Recipe for Disaster

AUTHOR: Maureen Fergus


RATING: 4 Stars

For those who have read my blog, you know that I am a book cover lover - for me, half the appeal of a book is its cover (many debates have gone on about this one!). So, I have to tell you that Recipe for Disaster "had me" with the cover. Although its not fancy, its perfect for this book AND the muffins looked extremely yummy!

Recipe for Disaster is also a YA book which is a genre that I love to read (even though I am a tad past the YA age group). However, when I was a YA, all we had to read were Nancy Drew (which I liked alot) so I am making up now by reading some good YA books. I have to say that the YA of today are lucky - they have such a wide variety of good YA which, more importantly, covers so many important topics of today!!! I wish I had these when I was younger. No matter, as I said, I have been catching up on reading these books and Recipe for Disaster was a perfect choice.

I think if I had to choose only a few words to describe this book it would be "melodrama". In the very first chapter, we meet Francie who finds herself already smack dab in the middle of some drama - with her parents. Francie makes everything about her and everything is a huge drama - which in other words pretty well means she is a teenager :) As I was reading this book, I kept having flashback about my own YA days - and how well I remember those feelings that everything was "always the end of the world". The author does an excellent job of describing the angst these YA are going through and although I am sure I did not find it funny back then, I loved reading about it now.

Francie is your typical teen - except that she has a passion for baking - which was another aspect of the book that I loved and that the author explored very well. It was nice to read about a YA who found a true passion and is working towards making it her career. The description of the foods in this book were also scrumptious and only added to the delight of the storyline.

This book is about the eternal issues that we have all dealt with - friendship, fitting in, being special and love (not necessarily in that order) and the author is very adept at weaving a story - I loved, loved this book and am looking forward to a part 2 perhaps?

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I love the cover too - adding some recipes would make that book sound practically perfect!

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