2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

REVIEW for Runaway Devil

Thank you to Jess at Random House Canada for sending me a copy of this book!

TITLE: Runaway Devil
AUTHORS: Robert Remington and Sherri Zickefoose
GENRE: True Crime

RATING: 4 Stars
I don't read alot of true crime books, mainly because I always end up saying the same thing "I can't believe how crazy humans can get" and let me tell you, this one made my hair stand up on end.

First of all, this book is Canadian, that is the murders were done in Alberta - and these murders were actually done by a 12 year old girl - who is accused and tried for the murder of her parents and her brother, if that was not scary enough, this young girl was on the A-list - she was a so-called "good girl" with people all around her saying "she just was not the type".

This book does a wonderful job of portraying our young killer known only as JR (she is so young that by law, she cannot be identified) - as I was reading about her life "pre' murder and reading all the comments that were said about her, I share everyone's disbelief at the fact that she had this type of horror inside of her. However, as the authors dig deeper and go beyond the facade that JR wanted us to see, we find a dark, dark side - interests in goth and heavy metal music - which for most (almost) teens is just part of growing up - but not so for JR. Then, of course, there is also "THE GUY" - it is highly suspected that JR committed these murders with his help (he is much older and had a huge influence on her).

What I thought this book did so well was depict the "good girl" image and then the "corrupted girl" image so thoroughly - they obviously did a lot of research into this case and found information that was extremely damaging , yet went a long way into making some kind of logic out of these senseless murders.

Throughout the entire book, I took turns being at times, horrified, sad, angry and at all times, scared for how crazy "humans" can actually get.

This true crime book certainly set up to do what it was set out to do. This one reads stranger than any fiction/thriller could.


bermudaonion said...

I used to love true crime stories and as I've gotten older, they creep me out too much.

Robert said...

Thanks for the kind review.
- Robert Remington

Cheryl said...

Wow. Sounds like an book I might need to check out. I haven't read many true crime novels but I find them interesting

Kathleen said...

I have this book too, hope to get to it soon. I love true crime (except what the crime's actually about of course)

PS - I tried commenting once already but I was under my mom's account, so please delete that.

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