2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, October 5, 2009

REVIEW for Bundle of Trouble

Thank you goes out to author Diana Orgain for sending me a copy of her book!

TITLE: Bundle of Trouble

AUTHOR: Diana Orgain
GENRE: Mystery

RATING: 4 Stars
I was a little hesitant about reading this book because I don't normally like mysteries all that much - I usually find them slow moving. Also, I find that books with a child storyline are usually also kind of slow moving and often are focused too much on the "parenting" habits.

I did not have to worry about that with Bundle of Trouble. I loved the fast pace of the storyline and the author manages the tricky task of balancing extremely well the "parent/child" side of the story and the "mystery" side of the story.

The main character created by Orgain is a joy - she is smart, sassy and intelligent - who manages to be both a new mother AND a PI at the same time (I am impressed by woman who managed to parent and work - I can imagine adding the PI component to this).

There was also alot of humour in this story which added to my pleasure. A strong leading character, humour and a quick pace storyline with a wonderful whodunnit! What else can you ask for?


Wall-to-wall books said...

Ha, I don't normally read mystery's either. I do find one once in a while that I enjoy.

bermudaonion said...

It's been a long time since I had a baby, but this does sound like a lot of fun!

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