A big thank you goes out to Jennifer at ECW Press for sending me this book!
TITLE: Love to Love You Bradys
AUTHORS: Ted Nicholson, Susan Olsen and
Lisa Sutton
GENRE: Coffee table
GENRE: Coffee table
RATING: 3 stars
For some reason, although I am of the right age, I never really got on the Brady Bunch bandwagon when I was growing up. However, there has been such fascination with the show and such a cult following that I have been curious to find out more about it.
Love to Love You Bradys is partly coffee table book and partly memoir (for Susan Olsen anyway). This book is a mixture of photos (lots of great color shots) and insider information (mainly on the part of Olsen who played Cindy) on the Brady Bunch Variety Show. This book does cover ONLY this part of the "Brady" saga and, in itself, is actually quite interesting.
Its fun to cringe at all the horrid costumes and frankly, at the whole Brady Bunch Variety Show as a whole.
Olsen does a good job of giving us lots of tidbits about everyone on the show, while at the same time remaining highly respectful of everyone involved (I am sure that there must have been lots and lots of dirt she could have told us about).
This book is a fun look at this period of television, but otherwise is kind of blah. I think this is best aimed at an audience that is somewhat fanatical (and I know there are many of you out there) about all things Bradys.
Love to Love You Bradys is partly coffee table book and partly memoir (for Susan Olsen anyway). This book is a mixture of photos (lots of great color shots) and insider information (mainly on the part of Olsen who played Cindy) on the Brady Bunch Variety Show. This book does cover ONLY this part of the "Brady" saga and, in itself, is actually quite interesting.
Its fun to cringe at all the horrid costumes and frankly, at the whole Brady Bunch Variety Show as a whole.
Olsen does a good job of giving us lots of tidbits about everyone on the show, while at the same time remaining highly respectful of everyone involved (I am sure that there must have been lots and lots of dirt she could have told us about).
This book is a fun look at this period of television, but otherwise is kind of blah. I think this is best aimed at an audience that is somewhat fanatical (and I know there are many of you out there) about all things Bradys.
For the rest of us, the book is a fun walk down memory lane - but kind of quickly forgotten.
Aw, I did love Cindy. This sounds like a cute book. Definitely great for those really big Brady fans for sure.
Oh my word! The Brady Bunch? Seriously? Were there no other good books handy?
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