2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

REVIEW for Snow Job

A big thank you goes out to Jess at Random House Canada for sending this book to me!

TITLE: Snow Job

AUTHOR: William Deverell

GENRE: Mystery

RATING: 4 Stars
Well, Arthur Beauchamp is bored - he is now living in Ottawa with his wife who is the leader of a up and coming political party - he has suddenly become, what he feels, is his wive's shadow. Just as he is about to go just a tad mad, good news! Some politician's have been blown up and suddnely Beauchamp is called upon to investigate in his own unique way!

Deverell has written another funny and somewhat sarcastic (love the dry humour) mystery. I am always amazed at the weird situations Deverell comes up with and in Snow Job, he has outdone himself. Beauchamp is a likeable character (although i do take some issue with the male chauvinist view in this novel - but just a little) - because it does actually move the storyline forward - so its all good.

As usual, the writing is top notch and I have to say that I rarely laugh when I read mysteries, but Deverell does it to me every time! Bonus that this book is based in Canada - loved it.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I love mysteries and dry humor so this sounds good to me!

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