2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

REVIEW for Fishbowl

Once again, a huge, huge thank you goes out to my chick lit supplier, Adam at Harlequin!!! I am sooooooooo grateful.

TITLE: Fishbowl

AUTHOR: Sarah Mlynowski

GENRE: Chick Lit (!!!!!!!)

RATING: 3 Stars

I am a huge lover of chick lit and Sarah Mlynowski does it well! So, it was with great enthusiasm that I started reading this book. To my surprise, while this was a chick lit, it kind of went beyond the usual chick litty recipe of "i am single so I need a boyfriend/husband" and actually became more a book about women and friendship.

So, this is actually a good thing and a bad thing for me. The bad side of this is that, traditionally, I do not like novels told from different perspectives - mainly because I always feel as though I am reading three books at the same time. Fishbowl uses this technique and I am not a huge fan. However, having said that, once I got use to all three female voices (who eventually all become roommates) the stories kind of merge and I started feeling more comfortable with the method.

This book takes a deep look at women, specifically, how 3 women can live together, and yet be quite different. We get to discover, along with them, their wants, hates, longings and fears and its all done very tastefully and with charm.

I did enjoy this chick lit book and commend Mlynowski for managing to incorporate all these female voices into one storyline.


bermudaonion said...

I do enjoy books like this, so I'd probably like this one more than you did.

Wall-to-wall books said...

I have not read any of hers yet!

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