2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

REVIEW for Sila's Revenge

A big thank you goes out to Lori at Red Deer Press!!!

TITLE: Sila's Revenge

AUTHOR: Jamie Bastedo


RATING: 4 Stars

Red Deer Press is a wonderful Canadian company and they have the most wonderful YA novels and Sila's Revenge is yet another great addition to this genre.

Sila's Revenge is the second book in the series and frankly, as a rule, I don't usually enjoy "eco" type books very much as I find them either too preachy or too detailed, yet author Bastedo did an impressive job of avoiding both of these.

The results being that Bastedo created a very well crafted, informative, entertaining and surprisingly "mystery/like" novel that passes along the eco message loud and clear and yet, kept me completely hooked into the storyline and attached to the main characters.

I also like the fact that this book takes us along to various locations - showing us in the process that these problems truly are worlwide AND its only by working together that we can make a difference.

I loved this book and I suggest it to highly.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

Even though I try to be as eco as possible, I don't like books that preach it to me either. Glad to see this one doesn't.

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