2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

REVIEW for The Weather Trivia Calendar 2010

Thank you Lori at Fitzhenry & Whiteside for sending me this totally cool item!
TITLE: Weather Trivia Calendar Canada 2010
BY: David Phillips
GENRE: Calendar
RATING: 4 Stars
I was totally thrilled when I saw this calendar. First of all, its my first ever review calendar and on top of that it features one of my fave subjects - weather.
The Weather Trivia Calendar for 2010 is both practical and informative and on top of that is lots of fun to go through. The calendar which is a full size wall calendar (standard size 12 by 12) features some beautiful pictures of some truly inspirational and awesome weather sites. It always freaks me out and impresses me at the same time how much power mother nature has and man has not yet managed to harness it (thank goodness!).
What adds to this calendar are all the great pieces of information (or trivia) that you will find sprinkled throughout on various days/months. Some of it is kind of amazing and I had to wonder how on earth that happened such as the September 1931 entry about a heatwave making the kernels on the cob pop. I mean, who the heck watches this stuff? But I am glad that someone out there is AND is keeping track.
The calendar is easy to read and is the perfect way to start my 2010.

This was a great, great item.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

My husband is obsessed with the weather, so he'd probably like this.

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