2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

REVIEW for 12 Finally!

Once again, a big thank you to Nikole from Scholastic who seems to know exactly which types of books I will love!

TITLE: 12 Finally

AUTHOR: Wendy Mass


RATING: 4 Stars

I loved, loved this book. I have to start my review with this because the author has managed to perfectly capture the youth, innocence and expectation of what lies ahead in your life.

This book made me revisit my past and how much I, too, was so looking forward to being 12 FINALLY! I had a rough year the previous year, with the unexpected death of my dad, so somehow, getting to 12 was soooo important - things would be different.

The author created a main character that was a joy to read. She was so full of hope and expectations and I loved reading about every little thing (good and bad) that actually happened when she did turn 12.

Of course, things did not quite work out as she hoped - nothing really ever does - and that is okay, but through this storyline there are life lessons that are learned, yes, even at the tender age of 12.

This book is about accepting your life and living it to the fullest - not only when you are 12.


bermudaonion said...

This book is in my TBR pile so I'm glad to see it's worth reading! It sounds like a really sweet book.

Charlotte said...

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of this from the library--I liked 11 Birthdays lots!

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

I'm glad you enjoyed this book as much as my daughter and I did. WE laughed so hard! Here is my review of this book:

Malica said...

I'm eleven at the moment,and I really din't want to read this book because I thought it was a waste cuz I was just 11.But my mom forced me ans said it would help me "grow up". Now that I have read it, I really owe my mom. It is one of the best books I have ever read. Thanks Mom!

Louis Vuitton said...


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