TITLE: The Sculptor
AUTHOR: Gregory Funaro
GENRE: Thriller
RATING: 3 Stars
I use to be a huge fan of thrillers, especially with serial killers involved, however, over the course of th last few years, I found myself disconnecting because the storylines, in many cases, all sounded a bit too similar. I have to say that The Sculptor was a good book for a first time novelist. I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline of a serial killer who considers all his kills to be works of art - to be posed similar to those of Michelangelo. This was sufficiently creepy and interesting to keep me invested.
I also liked the main character of Cathy who is called in by the FBI because of her deep knowledge of art and all things Michelangelo. She is paired off with Sam Makrham who manages to, for most of the book, keep up with her energy if not her intellect! This novel moved at a good pace and was a fun read - so why the 3 star rating?
As I read this book, I was keenly aware that this was written by a first time author. The book, at times, managed to trip itself over in minute detail that did not need to be there. Occasionally, the dialogue felt contrived and at times, a tad silly to me - which, as I mentioned, I believe can be directly associated with a first timeauthor - perhaps the editor could have done a better job here!!!
Overall though, this book accomplished what it set out to do - give me a good scare and entertain. I think that Funaro's second book will no doubt be a 4 star one!
Nice review - it sounds like this author is one to watch!
This book sounds good. I wouldn't mind giving it a read in my book club.
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