2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

REVIEW for Swoon at Your Own Risk

Thank you so much to author Sydney Salter for so kindly sending me a copy of her book!

TITLE: Swoon at your Own Risk

AUTHOR: Sydney Salter


RATING: 4 Stars

First off, I am a huge cover freak - If I like the cover, it always, somehow, puts me in a better frame of mind to enjoy the book and Swoon at your Own Risk has a very basic, but eye catching cover that was perfect for the book. I instantly fell in love with both the plotline and the main character, Polly.

The storyline features Polly - completely fed up with guys and relationships (been there) who decides to swear off for a while (done that). However, as with most "well crafted plans" something always comes in and ruins the best of intentions. This book is funny, funny, funny, but it is also touching - focusing on how difficult relationships can truly be, without ever hitting you over the head with the message.

I also loved the way the author features, very prominently, all of Polly's friends - making it clear that while Polly might be struggling with the guys in her life, she also has a strong back up system in her friends. Polly is also written very sharply and smartly - in all, there is absolutely nothing I disliked about this one - a great, great read.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh good, I've heard a lot about this book. I was glad to see that you liked it too.

jenny wilson said...

you are right the cover is great. The title has really caught me.

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