2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, July 26, 2010

BLOG TOUR FOR The Truth About Delilah Blue

I have been asked, by, the wonderful people at HarperCollins to participate in the blog tour for The Truth About Delilah Blue by Tish Cohen.

I have to say, in full disclosure mode, that this is not my usual type of book, but when I read the synopsis, there was "something" about the storyline that "called" to me - so I decided to read it.  I was thrilled that I did.  You will find my review below.

Thank you!  HarperCollins for making this book available to me :)

TITLE:              The Truth About Delilah Blue

AUTHOR:        Tish Cohen

GENRE:           Fiction

RATING:         4 Stars

This novel was incredible difficult to read because it was such a true reflection of what happens in real life, while you are simply trying to live one day at a time.  I think this may be why I love chick lit so much - it permits me to "escape".  However, in The Truth About Delilah Blue - the author asks you to live, through the eyes of the main character, Delilah's life experiences - the good, the bad and the sad.

This book is so well written that I found myself engaged and truly caring about all the characters almost from the first sentence.  Delilah is about to discover that everything she thought she knew about her life - may very well be lies. 

As the book goes on, we discover that Delilah's mother comes back into her life, with a little something in tow, all the while, Delilah must deal with the illness of her other parent.  Although, as I re-read my review, it sounds as though it may all be too much for Delilah, the truth is that the author manages to throw in all kinds of misfortune - without creating a cloying situation.  In fact, it seems as though the more "stuff" is thrown at Delilah, the more she becomes reflective AND strong by working through it, instead of around it.

This novel is incredibly empowering - confirming that we are only given as much as we can handle.  It is also about family and all the "crap" that can often be associated with it - but it is also about family love and strength and, most importantly, it is about finding your own inner strength - to deal with whatever the world throws at you - the good AND the bad.

Incredibly well written, a tearjerker in places (I hate crying when I read a book) and a wonderfully uplifting story.

If you would like more information on the book, visit:


Here is the complete list of tour dates, please visit these blogs:

July 7th

Kick off with Melissa on Savvy Reader
July 8th
Q&A at Bella’s Book Shelves
July 13th
Guest post at Lavender Lines
July 15th
Stop at Along The Way
July 19th
Q&A at Sogni Sorrisi
July 21st
Guest post at Britty Books
July 26th
Stop at Bookshipper
July 29th
Stop at Edwards Book Club
August 3rd
Stop at Serendipitous Reading
August 5th
Stop at Daisy’s Book Journal
August 10th
Stop at Book Chick
August 12th
Guest post at She Reads A Book
August 17th
Stop at Today’s Parent
August 18th

Closing remarks and ideas on Savvy Reader


bermudaonion said...

It's wonderful when you discover such a good book that's outside of your comfort zone. This one sounds fantastic!

Heather J. @ TLC Books said...

"This novel is incredibly empowering" - now THAT is something I like to hear. I'm not usually a fan of chick lit but an empowering story is good no matter what the genre.

Thanks for being a part of the tour - I'm very glad you enjoyed the book so much.

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