2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

REVIEW for This Georgeous Game

A huge thank you goes out to author Donna Freitas for so kindly sending me a copy of her great book!

TITLE:                     This Georgeous Game
AUTHOR:                Donna Freitas

GENRE:                   YA

RATING:                 4 Stars

This Gorgeous Game is a powerful, scary and all too realistic book about power, manipulation and fear.
Olivia, the main character is a good catholic girl - who believes that she has found a mentor in Father Mark. However, Father Mark has other ideas and through the guise of being her spiritual guide as well as her helping Olivia with her writing, he slowly but surely manoeuvers himself into a situation where he slyly manipulates every aspect of Olivia. However, will Olivia let him?

This story is incredibly scary to me - especially since I live in Quebec - without a doubt one of the most Catholic areas around. I have heard, firsthand, some horrible stories about some (a note here - there are many, many good clergy) however, as with most things, a few incredibly bad apples ruin the entire lot.

The main character is very, very bright and highly engaging which made reading this book alot easier. Father Mark is interesting - because he seems to have so many character facets - in fact, the entire storyline is involving, intriguing and all too real.

I loved, loved this book.


bermudaonion said...

This sounds like a page turner! I hope Olivia handled things well.

Anonymous said...

This book sounds soo good. Great to see more and more reviews of it coming out. I will definitely be picking this one up.

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