2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

REVIEW for How Did you Get this Number?

Thank you to the great people at Riverhead Books for sending this book to me.

TITLE:                     How Did You Get this Number

AUTHOR:                Sloane Crosley

GENRE:                   Essays

RATING:                 4 Stars

I don't usually read and review essays as I don't particularly like the genre - mainly because I like to get truly involved in my stories and just as I find myself getting completely engrossed - the story ends and the author moves on to something else entirely.

However, i made an exception for this book and was so happy that I did. Author Crosley is hilarious and fun! fun! fun! and so is her writing.

This book of essays that deal with glimpses and events of everyday in this author's life are marvellous. From the sublime to the more ridiculous (clowns!?) each essay contains a nugget that can be taken away for future reference - all the while providing an engaging and totally fun read. What else could you ask for?

The author has certainly experienced some interesting things and was smart enough to write the down so that we could all enjoy them. As I was reading this book, I almost felt as though I was "there" living them through her eyes.



bermudaonion said...

Sloane Crosley is on my list of authors to try. It sounds like the author has a great sense of humor!

avisannschild said...

Oh my goodness, Tina, how did I manage to miss this review?! I've been dying to get my hands on her books! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this one so much!

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