2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

REVIEW for Are U My Guru

Thank you! thank you to author Wendy Shanker for so kindly sending me a copy of her book.

TITLE:                    Are U My Guru

AUTHOR:              Wendy Shanker

GENRE:                 Memoir/Self help

RATING:               5 Stars

There is absolutely nothing bad about this book - so, read it, read it, read it!I read alot of books, as you can see by the number of times I update this site! However, Are U My Guru is fast becoming one of my favorite books for 2010. 

Author Shanker has written a hilariously upbeat and inspirational memoir/self-help book about her struggle with a) body image and b) her health and c) both. 

While I was expecting alot of humor in this book, I was also amazed at how honestly and POSITIVELY Shanker talks about her situation and, in fact, manages to turn a scary event into one of opportunity - to discover and to grow - to invest some serious time in the "me" and figure out just what works and doesn't and more importantly how you relate to your own life.

I have long been fascinated by "alternative therapies" and the healing powers that lay within them. Shanker uses this premise and goes one step further - she incorporates these practices into her life - coupled with western medicine in order to get better both physically and mentally.

I have always believed that if your mind is ill - then it will manifest itself in your body - and this book has proven me right.  It has also proven to me that we are all searching for something that, for the most part, remains elusive - until we are open enough to truly appreciate it.

I loved the writing - it was touching in its optimism and "never give up" attitude.  I loved that Shanker admits that while her health was a concern - so was her body image - that good old body image that none of use can ever seem to shake :(


bermudaonion said...

I love memoirs and I love books with a positive message and I know this one must be good to get a 5 star rating from you. It's going on the wish list.

avisannschild said...

This sounds fantastic, Tina! For a second I thought you'd given it 6 stars!

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