2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

REVIEW For The Insider

Thank you to the people at Penguin Group for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:                      The Insider

AUTHOR:                 Reece Hirsch

GENRE:                   Thriller

RATING:                  4 Stars

Will Connelly, the main character, in The Insider is one of my new favorite characters. He is a lawyer who is about to have a very bad day - being caught between what he should do and what he should not be doing - if he wants to save himself and those around him.

While I hesitate to read any thriller featuring lawyers, as I feel the entire thing has been done and redone over and over again - I made an exception for this one and was happy that I did.

The plot is quite intricate - which means you have to focus on what you are reading and, everytime I tried to figure out what was coming next, it turned out that I was completely wrong. The author is great at inserting twists and turns that you don't see coming and, at the same time, are wonderful at advancing the plot.

The main character is engaging, albeit, he is a lawyer - with all the ambitions that come with the title.

The pace is great, although the first few chapters are a tad slow to get starting - however, once the author has introduced the key pieces, the book just seems to fly.

I loved this thriller - read it.


bermudaonion said...

I love books like this when they're well done. Thanks for your review!

Katrina L. Burchett said...

I like to watch movies and television shows with courtroom scenes and after reading your review it sounds like The Insider would be interesting, so I believe I'll read it :)

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