2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

REVIEW For Overexposed

A big thank you to author Susan Shapiro for sending me a copy of  her wonderful book.

TITLE:                Overexposed

AUTHOR:           Susan Shapiro

GENRE:              Fiction

RATING:            4 Stars

I have read everything that Susan Shapiro has written, in fact, I have, in some cases, reread her stuff more than once.

If you are picking up a book writtebn by this author, then you know what you are in for - a realistic, sometimes sarcastic, always witty (dry) about life, the people in it and, more specifically the role of women in society.

While Shapiro's novels are never preachy - you can clearly detect a strong "I am woman hear me roar" in all of her books and Overexposed is no exception.

There are also, in this book, two characters who are desperately hoping to change their life - always looking to the "other side" and believing that the grass is greener. Of course, in true Shapiro form, -you soon discover that nobody's life is "ideal" and that looking on the other side may just not be the way to get a clear picture of where you should be heading.

This novel is funny, funny and I love the dry wit - there is no silly slapstick here - nothing for a cheap laugh. Rather the author goes for everyday "happenings" and manages to turn it on its ear!!

I loved, loved this book - it almost made me believe that nobody else has it easier or better than me - almost :)


Wall-to-wall books said...

Hey I don't know what happened, but it seemed like you disappeared for a while! Everytime I tried to go to your blog, it came up with an error, like your blog didn't exist.
What ever was going on I'm so glad you are back!

Tina said...

ItsJustMe - yes! my blog was off for a few days. Blogger removed it because there was some weird stuff going on with my account - I think I had a virus. Fortunately, we got it all settled and I am back:) I am glad you are still there :)

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