2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

REVIEW for Crescendo

A great, big thank you goes out to Simon & Schuster for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:                   Crescendo

AUTHOR:              Becca Fitzpatrick

GENRE:                 YA

RATING:               4 Stars

For those of you who read my blog, you are aware that this genre is not usually a favorite of mine - in fact, I get frustrated, in many instances, at the fact that this genre of book seems to be THE only genre taking over the bookstores!  Having said that, if the basic storyline is interesting enough to me, I will delve further into the book to see if I would enjoy it.  Which is how I discovered Becca Fitzpatrick's first book Hush, Hush!

In Crescendo, I find the same type of intelligent and intriguing writing, which made me want to actually read the book through - without rolling my eyes OR whining to anyone who will listen about how annoying "these" types of books can be.

Fitzpatrick is a master at keeping her storylines from becoming "too out there" with silly situations and even sillier characters that end up munching on each other.  Okay, I am overstating it, but I guess I am trying to say that the characters in Crescendo were engaging and I actually connected with them - especially Nora who is at a point in her life where she is questioning basically everything and everyone around her - including what her father represents to her, as well as what her relationship with the "never boring" Patch is all about.

Of course, there are alot more things going on in this story, but for me, the fact that the main characters were so well written - meant all the difference betwen tossing the book aside and digging deeply into the storyline.

I also love the whole "angel and nephilim" issue - which always, for some reason, reminds me of the now defunct TV show Brimstone - which did a fine job of showing us that "being" an angel is not only about angel wings and halos - but rather - the various degrees of "angels" that are out there.  This was a fascinating look for me!

Overall, I loved this book - quite amazingly to me! although I still hate those dark, dreary book covers!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

This is not the type of book I read either, but if you liked it, I might too!

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