2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, October 4, 2010

REVIEW for The Ivy

Thank you! thank you! Melissa at HarperCollins for sending me this great novel.

TITLE:                         The Ivy

AUTHOR:                    Lauren Kunze

GENRE:                       YA

RATING:                     4 Stars

Thank you to the wonderful Melissa at HarperCollins.

For some reason, I have always liked reading about college life - away from home, especially since I did not have to leave home myself, so livng through others is fun.

The Ivy is a fun, fun read. It has pretty much what you would expect from this type of book, which is probably the one negative I have to write about this one - its predictable. Nonetheless though, it is an interesting and fun romp through college life.

Callie is starting her first year and really wants to fit in. She ends up making friends and boyfriends, through a series of events - most of them pretty funny.

The characters are okay for the most part - we get to know them gradually and they interact well with each other. Callie seems to have a way of being at the wrong/right place at the right times, which, of course, makes the story a tad impossible to believe, but also gives it a nice little push forward with great momentum and an interesting storyline.

If you want to have a light read that will keep you turning the pages and engaged, then you have found it.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I love to read books like this too - I think so I can relive those days.

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