2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


A bigh thank yo goes out to author Theodore Connolly for sending me a copy of his book!

TITLE:                     The Road Out of Debt

AUTHORS:              Joan Feeney and Theodore Connolly

GENRE:                   Personal Finance

RATING:                 4 Stars

I am a big fan of books on the subject of debt - mainly because I was in debt for such a long time and managed, through thick and thin, lots of sacrificing AND reading these type of wonderful books to get out of debt.

Now, I read them for two reasons 1) to remember how easily I can get back there and 2) to read up on methods and ideas to stay out of debt, but also to amass more savings.

The Road out of Debt is actually written for the lay person - which is perfect, as I hate, hate reading books on debt that are loaded with boring information, tables and charts that only your accountant can understand. No problems with that in this book! thankfully.

Secondly, this book tackles a tough subject - bankruptcy and if you should do it. By actually telling you the pros and cons of bankruptcy and by fully explaining that in many cases, YOU DO HAVE OTHER CHOICES. In fact, this book is actually a lot of fun because it doesn't "preach" by harping on why, why, why you did not save money and why, why, why you got in debt. It focuses on fixing the problems, but offering you clear and concise information on the ways that you have available.

It is a fairly unbiaised book - which I like. Basically, the authors have done ton of research on the subject and condensed it in an easy to read and understand book - which answers pretty well any question you may have.

Buy this one.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Sounds like the perfect easy to understand format for this kind of book, Tina. Great review!

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