2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, November 22, 2010

REVIEW for Warm Knits, Cool Gifts

Thank you to Random House for sending me this great book!

TITLE:               Warm Knits, Cool Gifts

AUTHOR:          Sally Melville

GENRE:             Knitting/Craft

RATING:            5 Stars

Sally Melville has a wonderfully creative mind and I am jealous. I am always so amazed by people who can create patterns from nothing - designing them to make beautiful items.

Warm Knits, Cool Gifts offers up 35 great knitting patters for just about anyone in the family and if you are interesting in making more personalized, homemade gifts for Christmas or birthdays, this is the book for you.

What first hit me is the high quality of the book. Loaded with beautiful color pictures that are easy to see - accompanied by knitting patterns that are clearly detailed - for everyone from the beginner to the more experienced knitter and everyone in between.

There is also a very nice selection of patterns for babies to adults and I loved the wide selection of gifts that are easily knitted up. In short, there is absolutely nothing to hate about this collection of knitting patterns.

I also liked the fact that the book is NOT hardcover, but rather a good quality softcover - making it way easier to tote around -

Love this collection.


bermudaonion said...

That makes me wish I could knit.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh Yea!!! A knitting book! I will def. look this one up!

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