2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

REVIEW for Something Old, Something New Treasury

This is definitely one of the best Christmas presents ever! Thank you to the wonderful people at Simon & Schuster Canada for sending it to me - I am sooooooo grateful!!!!!!!!!!!

TITLE:                Something Old, Something New
                             Treasury (For Better For Worse)

AUTHOR:          Lynn Johnston

GENRE:             Comic Strips

RATING:            5 Stars

For Better or For Worse and Lynn Johnston - what can I say except - I LOVEEEEEEEE both!!! I have read, in the past, every comic strip at least 3 times and it never gets old.

This is why I was so thrilled with this beautifully created Treasury called Something Old, Something New. Firstly, the book has a hardcover which is great. Although I do like softcovers for my novels, I much prefer hardcovers for coffee table books, as well as books that I hope to keep and cherish.

Secondly, many of the strips are in color, which always, in my opinion, adds to the depth and richness of the strip.

The `look' is perfect and so, of course, is the content. Taken from various strips over the years, this Treasury is loaded with `must read' comic strips featuring each and every member of the Patterson clan - including, of course, my beloved Farley. Interestingly, the author adds little notes to many of the strips - giving us a little "tidbit" about the creation of the particular strip. This was also a favorite part for me - I felt as though Johnston was giving us some very personal information - something that came directly from her heart and then translated it on paper.

I am trying to pace myself as I read this. If it was up to me, I would plop down on my bed and work my way through the entire book in one sitting. Instead, I have chosen to slowly savor each strip. Reading these are making me a little nostalgic, but at the same time, I love the way the author has made her characters (her children) grow and progress. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to `meet up' with these characters anytime you want and to know their back story, as you watch them grow into adults.

These strips are at times funny, sad, poignant and everything else you can think of.

I love, love this beautiful Treasury - what a gift.

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