2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, December 24, 2010

REVIEW for Uumajut

TITLE:                      Uumajut

AUTHOR:                 Simon Awa

GENRE:                   Children's Book

RATING:                 4 Stars

As a little girl, I was always fascinated by books that described, in illustrations and word, the wonderful world of animals – and, of course, the more exotic the animals the better.

Unfortunately, when I was reading these types of the books the selection was limited and like Uumajut did not exist.

However, the good news is that Uumajut is now available for anyone – big and small who want to learn more about wildlife in the Artic.

Firstly, this book is beautiful. I love the entire presentation – made to last through many, many tiny hands. The illustrations are lovely and the storyline is perfect for the youngest of readers.

This book is about instructing in a fun and loving way – showing us the wonder of nature, while taking your child on an adventure that will challenge his/her imagination.

Never have issues such as the ecosystem been more important and thanks to books such as this one, your child will grow up being an informed one, who has been taught at an early age to respect nature, but most of all to love it.

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