2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, February 25, 2011

REVIEW for Rhymes with Cupid

A big, big thank you to HarperCollins Canada for sending me this book!
TITLE:                 Rhymes with Cupid

AUTHOR:           Anna Humphrey

GENRE:              Chick Lit

RATING:            3 Stars

I was excited to read this book and, in the end, I have rated as 3 stars.  The good stuff:

I liked the main theme of the book - hating St-Valentine Day.  The vivid descriptions of the sillyness that both the sellers and buyers accept when it comes to this themed day makes you feel as though you are actually immersed in the goings on.  I also loved that the main character is so against the whole concept (at least in the beginning).

What I did not like:  the pacing of this book is slow and the writing was, at times (read often) kind of silly.  The way the sentences were phrased made me feel as though I was reading a low budget type of story, making the entire book feel like a bit of a chore.

Sorry, I wish I could have been more enthused about this one - but I have to say, it is your basic 3 star average kind of book.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I don't think that's for me.

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