2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, May 23, 2011

REVIEW for Divergent

Thank you to HarperCollins Canada for sending me this book.

TITLE:                Divergent

AUTHOR:           Veronica Roth

GENRE:             YA

RATING:           4 Stars

All those who read my blog are probably a little puzzled by the fact that I have a review for this book on my blog.  However, in the last little while, I have been trying to expand my "taste" in reading material.  While I will never be able to get into zombie books, I have found that I do enjoy certain type of dystopia, if its not completely out there with a storyline that I could never buy.

Fortunately, Divergent was completely believeable and as I had heard quite a "buzz" about it in the blogsphere, I thought I would give it a try.

I am thrilled that I did. While, on the surface, this entertaining and, at times suspensful read is about a girl having to live in a totally different Chicago than the one we are "use" to, it is about alot more than that.  To me, the story that is not readily told is what kept me reading.

Actually, Beatrice, who is the main character that drives this story is asked, at the ripe old age of 16 to make a life altering decision - choosing whether she will stay with her family in their "faction" or whether she will choose a different one, effectively permanently removing her from her loved ones.

What follows is a brilliant story that is based around Beatrice's decision - one that basically leads the rest of her life. However, as we are quick to discover,  no decision is an easy one and regardless of the choices that are made, there is always the "what if" and the "did I do what is right for me and for others"? and this is where I consider this novel to be at its strongest. 

Actually, Divergent and its storyline reminded me of "everyday" life where we have to make choices, often hard ones, where nothing is quite as black and white as we would like.

Loved, loved the writing, loved, loved, the characters and loved, loved the message.

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