2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, June 3, 2011


I was lucky enough to be invited, by a friend and McGill Alumni to the breakfast honoring William Shatner this morning.

Shatner is a McGill graduate and he was honored with a doctorate in literature yesterday by McGill University.

A breakfast was given this morning, in his honour and they presented this very, very funny video.  McGill cleverly created and presented the first part of the video (up to where the girl enters the ballroom) and filmed her getting his autograph live.  It was great!

I sat about 3 feet behind Shatner and his wife for the entire breakfast but thankfully, I was not filmed!!!!  Here is the presentation (it is about 5 minutes long).

I am not a HUGE fan of Shatner, but it was fun to see him live.  Random comments.  He is 80 and looks younger. He also looks shorter than on TV, although I always think this when I meet a celebrity.  He looks exactly as he does on TV, but I am not loving the sunglasses he wore, for most of the breakfast, although he did say that he is jet lagged and had buggy, red eyes.


Donna said...

Totally cute! Thanks for a great laugh, Tina!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Tina how awesome was that. I admit I had to double check to see if by chance you were filmed LOL

bermudaonion said...

How fun! My husband would have geeked out!

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