2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, June 13, 2011

REVIEW for Killer Stuff and Tons of Money

Thank you, thank you to The Penguin Press for sending me this wonderful book.

TITLE:               Killer Stuff and Tons of Money

AUTHOR:         Maureen Stanton

GENRE:            Non fiction

RATING:          5 Stars

Killer Stuff and Tons of Money is a highly informative AND entertaining read - a book that I could not seem to put down as I was always excited to discover which "next" flea market experience I would be reading about.

Author Maureen Stanton tags along with the highly knowledgeable Curt Avery on a variety of "antique" shows and describes the experiences in detail. Because the author has been able to actually get up and personal with the action, this book reads like a novel (although it is not) complete with fun characters, interesting dialogue and, of course, a wealth of information about antiques (i.e. what to look for and what NOT to look for).

I found myself completely mesmerized by the myriad of details that you need to remember in order to figure out which antiques are fake and, of course, more importantly, I found myself being completely blown away by the dollar amounts paid (and made) for antiques.

It seems I would make a pretty bad antique seeker as everytime I thought I had figure oud that a purchase was "a find", it turned out NOT to be.

Fortunately, while this book has a ton of details and descriptives, the author has managed to weave it into a story, making the entire book a fun, fun read that I hated to see end. Frankly, I could have kept reading more and more.

The only negative, for me, was the horrible cover of the book, which I worry might deter some people from purchasing this book. Everything else was perfect and valuable!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

This sounds like a lot of fun! I have a feeling I wouldn't be good at figuring out the fakes either.

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