2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

REVIEW for The Perfect Hero

Thank you, thank you to the wonderful people at Harper Collins UK for sending me this great chick lit!

TITLE:               The Perfect Hero

AUTHOR:          Victoria Connelly

GENRE:             Brit Chick Lit

RATING:            4 Stars

I have been reading chick lit for years - and it all started with Bridget Jones Diary.  This being said, I have said and continue to say that nobody does chick lit quite as well as the Brits - and The Perfect Hero has simply validated my thinking for me.

I loved, loved this novel and the word that comes to me is quaint - with a lot of humor, a cast of crazy characters and, of course, a wonderful main character in Kay.

This novel is baed in Lyme Regis (which is completely unfamiliar to me) but this is hardly a problem for me since it simply means that I get to discover a new spot, which in turn, means that I can use my imagination to make it "look" exactly the way I think it should look - in my mind at least :)

I also love the fact that e basis for this novel is a B&B which is owned and operated by Kay - which, as you can imagine, opens up a great slew of storyline and plotlines, all confined to the B&B giving the entire novel a cozy, up close feeling that I thoroughly enjoyed.

There is a lot of humor thrown in.  I found myself laughing out loud quite a few times, which is quite rare for me.  The Oli/Kay relationship (or is there really a relationship?) was interesting but I have to say that the Adam and Gemma plotline was more interesting to me.

Honestly, there is nothing new here, but somehow the author has taken all of these ingredients and managed to create an absolutely delightful and wonderful read that I would recommend for any chick lit fan :)

1 comment:

Wall-to-wall books said...

OHH I don't know!!! I love Chick-Lit but I have never really liked Brit chick-lit. I did read one I liked - "Millie's Fling" by Jill Mansell. So maybe it would be worth giving another one a try.

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