2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

REVIEW for: Your Retirement Income Blueprint

Thank you, thank you to Wiley for sending me this great book.  It is thanks to them that I may actually have a good idea of what my retirement should look like - they have THE best books in the personal finance (and other areas) of our every day lives!

TITLE:           Your Retirement Income Blueprint

AUTHOR:      Daryl Diamond

GENRE:         Personal Finance

RATING:       4 Stars       

For those who read my blog regularly, you know that, although I am not a "real" baby boomer, I am actually at the tail end of the movement.  While the boomers have managed to benefit greatly from a ton of things (including employer pension plans), those of us at the tail end have not, in many cases, been so lucky.

This means that I have had to really run around and do alot of homework in order to determine what will work best for me and what are my best "game moves".  Thankfully, as I mentioned in the heading of this blog,  the publishing house Wiley has been a huge help in this area.  They have THE best personal finance books and, as a bonus, many of them are actually Canadian based, which means that all of the information is pertinent to me :)

Your Retirement Income Blueprint is another entry that I have found to be excellent.  While I did find it a tad more oriented towards people who have some knowledge of the finance world, it is still a book that is well suited for just about anyone who is interested in building their retirement plan.

In fact, this book is actually pretty much a blueprint - a guide that allows you to look at many various aspects of retirement and finance that you may not have thought of before.  For example, there is a repeated focus on the difference between the $$$ you are saving/bringing into retirement and the monies paid out by the government.  I know that from my own experience with my mother's retirement, we had a lot of questions about how this money should be used in order to minimize the taxes, etc.  - this book covers this topic in great detail and explains it all very clearly.

I also thought this book focused more on estate planning which is something that I had not really thought about very much.  While, of course, this is NOT the fun part of retirement, it is something that needs to be considered.

I think the true value of this book is just that - the fact that the author brings up subject matters and aspects of retirement that you probably have not thought of and should.

As I mentioned, the book is written more to an intermediate reader with some knowledge of the industry, but can also be read by people who are just starting out - the learning curve might be a bit longer, but it is worth it.

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