2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Visiting the US

As you all know, I am a huge fan of the US - I love the fact that I can visit so many stores that I don't normally get in Montreal which is weird because, other than bookstores I am not big on shopping at all.  Yet, when I get to the US, I can't wait to "hit" all those great stores.

It was a long weekend in Quebec because of our National Holiday - St-Jean Baptiste, which, frankly, I never celebrate.  However, I decided to go to Plattsburgh New York and left Friday by Amtrak.  The train ride was okay, except for the fact that the train was packed and our car had about 30 students coming back from a visit to Montreal (they were about 13 years old or so).  While they were not horrible, they were noisy so I was anxious to get off the train.

I arrived in Plattsburgh and tried a new hotel (there are tons of hotels to choose which is weird because Plattsburgh is tiny).  It was a great choice - here are some pictures:

My first stop on the shopping tour was, of course, Borders and while I was there, the cafe was preparing these beautiful looking "samples". I did not have any (too much sugar) but they looked wonderfully delicious

I did pick up a few books which I will list in my next In My Mailbox posting. - 

Also visited Target (love this store) and quite a few others. On the way back, I took a picture of this US postal truck. I guess I was just so excited to see mail delivery somewhere in the world! as you know, Canada Post has been on lock out for two weeks. The good news - they have been legislated back to work as of Tuesday morning yeah!

Loved my time in the US but, as always, it was too short.


cindysloveofbooks said...

Sounds like you had fun Tina. I am anxious to head to the US in August. So many great stores to shop in.

Yea about CP going back to work tomorrow :)

bermudaonion said...

It sounds like you had a great time! We're in the UK now and it's fabulous - I think it's just nice to be away from home.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Sounds like you had a great time :)

I've never been to the states... The closest I got was when I visited Niagara Falls! Hehe.

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