2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, July 29, 2011

IN MY MAILBOX - Week Ending July 30, 2011

This week was our first ever Montreal Blogger Meeting with 13 of us attending.  This means, of course, that lots of books were circulating (you would not believe how many!!). So, here are the books that came into my home this week - unfortunately, it was an extremely, extremely quiet week - which means it must be summer.

From Donna (Book Bound): 

  • Kill Alex Cross by James Patterson;
From Cindy (Cindy's Love of Books):
  • A great lot of magazines;
From the Publisher (for review):

  • The Lost Angel by Javier Sierra (for review)


cindysloveofbooks said...

Tina I am so happy you like the magazines. I am sure I will have a whole bunch more to give you the next time :) Its vacation time so I tend to buy a lot more trashy mags to read in the car.

Unknown said...

Hey Tina! Can't wait to hear your thoughts for the Lost Angel!!! :)


bermudaonion said...

Slow weeks are good - it gives you time to catch up. I hope you enjoy your books and magazines.

Jennifer | Mrs Q Book Addict said...

I've only read a few James Patterson novels. I hope you enjoy this one.

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