2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I have been blogging for a little over 3 years now and thanks to my love of reading (and reviewing), I was lucky enough to meet "our" little core of bloggers - Cindy from Cindy's Love of Books, Avis from She reads and reads, Donna from Book Bound and Linda from Better with Books.  We have been meeting monthly for over 2 years and it has been great.

Recently though, Montreal Bloggers have decided to UNITE - and we had the opportunity of getting together on Saturday, July 23, 2011 for a killer lunch and get together.  Although we have now grown to 15 bloggers, only 13 of us could make the gathering.  We decided to have lunch at an Italian restaurant and we had great, great fun.

Of course, no book lover gathering would be complete without the presence of books - and, thanks to the generous donations from our wonderful Canadian publishers, we were spoiled rotten with a huge variety of wonderful, wonderful books - donated to us so graciously by:

HarperCollins Canada
Scholastic Canada
Simon & Schuster Canada   - and-
Random House Canada

I was lucky enough to be the "official" auction person for the books and it was FUN!!!!!

Here are a a few pictures of the gathering.  I had so much fun and everyone was terrific.  The food was amazing - I had gnocchi in tomato sauce, dripping in cheese - it was totally fattening and delish!  The green salad was tasty and zesty and the coffee was strong and Italian - perfect!

We had a yummy waiter who was extremely patient - as he tried to work his way around the piles and piles of books - he even brought me a Diet Coke with the joke "since you are doing all the talking you might need this" :) LOL LOL

The members of the Montreal Book Bloggers are:

P: from Aisle B, Cindy from Cindy's Love of Books Cat from Beyond Books, Lisa from Starmetal Oak Book Blog, Avis from She Reads and Reads, Amanda from Tales and Treats, Melissa from YA Book Shelf, Jennifer from Mrs. Q. Book Addict, Cindy from Tynga's Reviews, Lucy from Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf, Donna from Book Bound and Laura from Library Clean Reads.

(Sorry I am bad with hyperlinks :)

Hopefully, the Monteal bloggers will turn the Montreal book world on its ear very soon :)



bermudaonion said...

That looks like so much fun! It's always fun (and loud) when bloggers get together! I wish I could find other bloggers near me.

Lisa (starmetal_oak) said...

It was awesome :) Thank you for hauling all those books to the restaurant!

Cat @ Beyond Books said...

Yes, thank you for being the bearer of swag and books! You worked off the pasta even before you ate it. ;) I didn't even know there were a group of you out there! I wish I did earlier. But I think we're bigger and badder now!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Tina you were a fantastic auctioner LOL and by the way the pics are great.

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

Tina, you were the perfect person to give out the books and head our meeting! Thanks so much for letting the publishers know about our group. What fun to get all those books!

Donna said...

Great post, Tina! It felt like BEA all over again!

Just to clarify - my blog name is BookBound (not Book Hound as it's written in the first paragraph). Actually though, Book Hound has got a nice ring to it!

Jennifer | Mrs Q Book Addict said...

Tina, it was so nice to meet you! Thank you for everything that you did at the meetup, I had a lot of fun. Love the pictures!

avisannschild said...

Fabulous post, Tina, and thank you so much for being our auctioneer! It was fun to be your assistant!

By the way, a tip about hyperlinks: you can actually copy and paste them into your post, which is what I did. (To clarify, I went to Lisa's post about this event and copied and pasted the links she'd put under the group photo. I then modified them slightly to add in a link to her blog and remove the one to mine.) Hope this makes sense!

I'm looking forward to doing this again!

Wall-to-wall books said...

How come you're not in the picture? Oh yeah you're the one holding the camera. At least that's always my excuse!
Looks like great fun!!!
We should do something like that here. Except I don't know any other bloggers in my area.

Unknown said...

Wonderful post Tina!!! I had such a lovely time meeting you all and spending the day talking about bookish things!!!! I cannot wait for the next meetup!

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