2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Every year, the Atwater Library, which is a private library and is housed in a beautiful old building (over 100 years old) holds it lawn book sale (complete with bbq).  Well, today was the day and they could not have asked for a more perfect weather day!

Library sale  - beautiful sunny day in Montreal

I have to say that last year, Avis from http://www.shereadsandreads.blogspot.com/  and I "hit" the sale and were disappointed, which is why I did not hold much hope for this year but, you know, its a book sale, so I decided to go anyway and was joined by fellow book bloggers Cindy from http://www.cindysloveofbooks.blogspot.com/ and her son Michael and Lucy from http://www.moonlightgleam.blogspot.com/.

For me, the first few tables I saw were pretty uninspiring (although Cindy and Lucy disagreed with me).  However, things got very exciting when we all hit the YA table sponsored by the Montrel Children's Library, which is housed in the same building but is a separate library (a new addition this year since they never had one last year).  Now, things were getting very interesting.  Having said that, however, I don't read dystopia or anything with vampires and the undead so my options were limited.  I did manage to snag some great stuff despite my "reading limitations" and here is a picture.  All of this for $4.50.  The biggest bargain in town!

I got: 
  • Final Takedown by Brent R. Sherrard (this is part of the Sidestreets series and is great but very expensive when you buy them new.  119 pages for $9.95!  But I paid .50 cents
  • Stalked by Christine Hart (same series)  .50 cents
  • After All, you're Callie Bonne by Winnie Mack.  This is middle grade but I like the storyline .50 cents
  • But I love Him by Amanda Grace $1.00
  • Recipe for Disaster by Marueen Fergus $1.00
  • Borderline by Allan Stratton $1.00


I know that Cindy found some wonderful stuff for herself and so did Michael, but Lucy went book crazy and actually ended up with a box, yes a box of books.  While we were talking to the guy at the YA table (who seemed thrilled to have all of us salivating around his books) he mentioned that there were "more boxes in the basement".  Well, this was all we needed to hear - and we begged, (we have no shame) to "see" these mythical boxes.  We went to the basement of the Atwater library and entered an enchanted place - books EVERYWHERE! surrounded by old bookshelves and shelving that dates from the early 1900's I was amazed by the entire thing.  It reeminded me of something directly out of an old Dickens novel.  Of course, you would have thought I would have taken a few pictures, but nope - too overwhelmed by everything to think about it!  Although, I did take some pictures.

The YA book table - you ain't seen nothing yet!

Well, we went through the boxes and I managed to find a few books and so did Cindy and Lucy.

I have to take a moment to thank the wonderful ladies (and gentleman) from the Montreal Children's Library who were so kind in letting us basically invade their space with our book craziness!!

We had fun!! Here we are relaxing after a hard day of book shopping (note the box of books):
I think we are all a little book crazy - and it starts young!!!


bermudaonion said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun and found some terrific buys!

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

Awww...so glad you guys had a wonderful book sale experience! My daughter and I really liked AFTER ALL YOU'RE CALLIE BOONE. Hope you do too.

Annie Gaudreau said...

It was a pleasure to let you ''ramage'' into our basement area...and I just want to specify that all the YA books you've got were from the Montreal Children's Library/Bibliothèque des jeunes de Montréal www.mcl-bjm.ca wich is a separate entity from the Atwater library we just share the same building. So all the money you spend will be use to buy new books for children and young adult. Again a big thank you

avisannschild said...

So wish I'd made it that day, though it sounds like I might have had to fight Lucy just to get a few books! :)

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